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Sunday Service | Emma Curtis Hopkins: Forgotten Founder of New Thought with Rev. Richard Carlini

Emma Curtis Hopkins led a life of extraordinary diversity and achievement. Here at last is a study that salutes her remarkable life as it explores the route by which she melded spiritual healing, metaphysical idealism, and exotic philosophies into multiple careers of unsurpassed dynamic. As a charismatic teacher, Hopkins instructed or ordained every prominent New Thought leader who founded a major denomination of the movement's churches. Her considerable talents as a mystic and noted author reached fruition with the publication of High Mysticism in 1923. Furthermore, her ideas on healing and prosperity took root in both secular and religious organizations, touching millions around the globe to this day. The long-forgotten Hopkins is now given her due in a book that allows her to triumph in the roles she so ably mastered in life: mentor and mystic, healer and feminist, missionary and biblical prophet, writer and editor. -Gail M. Harley

The virtual Sunday service begins at 10 AM (Pacific time), and everyone is welcome to join the live stream as early as 9:30 AM to virtually socialize before the service.

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Meeting ID: 994 1092 7710
Passcode: 664033

August 26

Virtual Midday (Noon) Meditation

September 2

Virtual Midday (Noon) Meditation