Partner with Us Through Giving

At Unity of Davis we believe that when we share our gifts and resources, we are participating in the Law of Circulation. By consciously circulating our good, we step into the natural law of cause and effect or giving and receiving. As metaphysicians we know what we think about, we bring about and by consciously affirming that we have more than enough and giving with love, we are proving and strengthening that belief. Our beliefs create our lives. The Universe responds to our beliefs by giving us more of what we affirm.

There are many opportunities to support UOD such as; make a one-time donation, make an annual pledge, and give to the endowment (in memory of or in tribute to someone). UOD is a tax-exempt organization under section 501c3 and all donations are tax deductible.


  • by Mail

    If you prefer to make a contribution via check, simply mail in a check. In addition, UOD will get the whole amount – no fees deducted! Mail to the church at:

    Unity of Davis
    P.O. Box 4478
    Davis, CA 95617

  • Online

    Contributions may be made using a credit card, savings or checking account through the online form above. Choose to make a one-time payment, or a weekly or monthly recurring payment.

    Recurring donations provide a steady stream of support. It is a great way to manage charitable giving without the worry of missing a payment– you set the frequency, select the payment method and your gift continues to give over time.

  • Your Bank

    Either using your bank’s online banking platform, or visiting your bank, to set up your UOD contribution or Pledge as a monthly “bill” and then relax…your bank will automatically send a check out to the church on the date(s) you specify. In addition, UOD will get the whole amount – no fees deducted!

You Shop -
UOD Receives!

UOD is once again participating in Nugget Markets Scrip Program. When you use your Scrip Card, Nugget will donate to UOD up to 4% of what you spend. Contact Denise Morse for your card, you’ll find her information in the Breeze online Member Directory, or you can email the office at

Leave A Legacy

Sharing Your Blessings

We all desire to be good stewards of the gifts with which God has blessed us. Being a good steward includes planning for a time when we no longer need our earthly resources. How wonderful to know that after you have made your transition you could continue to support Unity of Davis.

All gifts, large or small, work together to keep Unity of Davis thriving for years to come and to ensure we continue to be a place for these spiritual teachings. If Unity of Davis is your spiritual community and the messages resonate of truth and oneness we would love for you to consider including us in your Estate Plan.

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or Financial Advisor.

For more information or questions, please call the church office.

  • By including a bequest to Unity of Davis in your will or living trust, you are ensuring the church can continue its mission for years to come. Your gift also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction. You can use cash, appreciated securities, a percentage of your estate, or specific property. A bequest is private, and you may change it at any time.

    When making a gift in your will or trust, please use the suggested bequest language.

    “I, [name], of [city, state, Zip], give, devise and bequeath to Unity of Davis in Davis, CA (EIN# 20-8933550) whose location on the date of this will is PO Box 4478, Davis, CA 95617, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to be used for general purposes (or specific purposes).”

  • You can name Unity of Davis as the primary or contingent beneficiary on the beneficiary designation form for your retirement plan.

  • Naming Unity of Davis the beneficiary or transferring ownership of your life insurance policy leverages the value of your policy.

  • A Charitable Remainder Trust provides you or other named individuals income each year for life or a set period of time. When the trust ends, the assets of the trust are passed to Unity of Davis. Benefits of a charitable remainder trust include a partial charitable income tax deduction, potential for increased income, and up-front capital gains tax opportunity.

  • With this type of trust, Unity of Davis is the recipient of the income stream from the trust for a specified term after which the trust assets pass to the remainder beneficiary, most often the heirs.

  • Monetary gifts to honor your loved one, given to Unity of Davis, are a meaningful and lasting tribute to continue supporting the work of our mission.

    • QCCs can be made once a person is 70.5. In 2024, up to 105K can be paid directly from an IRA to charity.

    • These are most attractive for donors who are taking  Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)  to the degree that some or all of those distributions are not needed for family living expenses. 

    • Many donors do not itemize deductions and, therefore, do not get a tax benefit from charitable contributions made from cash or other non-IRA assets.

    • However, if instead with a QCD, they can reduce taxable income to the degree that RMD distributions are avoided, which would have, if taken, added to taxable income.  So, for non- itemizers they can still get a tax benefit via the charitable contribution.

    • Further, IRA assets are the least favorable to beneficiaries in that they are fully taxable and, with the SECURE Act, can no longer be stretched out over life expectancy (except for the spouse).  So, QCDs serve to draw down the least tax-favorable assets.

    *This is not to be considered tax or legal advice and is not specific to readers' individual circumstances.