We are here to support you in your faith journey by praying with you for whatever you are facing.
The purpose of prayer is for changing us, not to change God, other people, or circumstances. Through prayer we attune ourselves to become receptive to God’s eternal willingness to support all our needs. Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them."
If you need a prayer, you have a few options for seeking support:
Our Chaplains or Minister are available after the Sunday service or the weekday noontime meditation for individual prayer.
Submit your prayer through our Prayer Request Form where you may choose to have a chaplain, or the minister contact you or simply request a prayer without any further contact.
When you share your prayer request, we assure you that it will be handled with care. We place your request on our chaplain's prayer list. Our dedicated UOD prayer chaplains and the minister will hold your request in a confidential and spiritual prayer vigil for 30 days.
We hope that knowing others care and are praying alongside you brings you comfort.
Unity Prayer Ministry
World Headquarters
Prayer Support 24/7
For more than 130 years, affirmative prayer has been key to the Unity mission. The Unity Prayer Ministry (Silent Unity), prays with people of all faiths around the globe each year. Your prayer request is a sacred honor and trust. All prayer requests are kept private and confidential. You can make a prayer request online or speak with a prayer associate by phone. There is never a charge for prayer.