Gratitude is a discipline we need to learn to practice – intentionally and with purpose. It is to easy to look around at others and focus on what we don’t have, but there is some serious power in focusing on and being thankful for all the blessings that are already in your life.
Did you know that being grateful improves your physical health? People who regularly practice gratitude generally report fewer aches and pains and feel healthier than their counterparts. Not surprisingly, practicing thankfulness also improves psychological health. It reduces depression and helps eliminate toxic emotions, such as envy, frustration, and regret. It increases empathy, reduces aggression, improves self-esteem, and helps you sleep better. Being a grateful person can even help you overcome trauma in your past! Those are some pretty serious benefits.
The virtual Sunday service begins at 10 AM (Pacific time), and everyone is welcome to join the live stream as early as 9:30 AM to virtually socialize before the service.
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