Advent starts with hope and faith. It feels like cleansing and renewal to me, a letting go of worry, doubt, or any less-thanpositive experiences of past holidays. Advent can be a time to reignite hope, to lean on faith, to open ourselves to the sacredbea uty of Christmas. When you feel buffeted by events in the world or in your personal life, picture a pillar of faith by your side. You can touch it, lean on it. See the word FAITH written boldly on the pillar. But look! There are more words: trust, overcoming, divine guidance, support, perseverance, strength, fortitude—reminders that God is with you in all things. -- Rev. Bronte Colbert
The virtual Sunday service begins at 10 AM (Pacific time), and everyone is welcome to join the live stream as early as 9:30 AM to virtually socialize before the service.
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