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Sunday Service: Six Kinds of Loneliness with Rev. Richard Carlini

Usually, we regard loneliness as an enemy. Heartache is not something we choose to invite in. It's restless and pregnant and hot with the desire to escape and find something or someone to keep us company. We can rest in the middle, we begin to have a non-threatening relationship with loneliness, a relaxing and cooling loneliness that completely turns our usual fearful patterns upside down. -- Pema Chadron

The virtual Sunday service begins at 10 AM (Pacific time), and everyone is welcome to join the live stream as early as 9:30 AM to virtually socialize before the service.

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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US

Meeting ID: 994 1092 7710
Passcode: 664033

April 9

Sunday Service: Happy Resurrection Day with Rev. Richard Carlini

April 23

Sunday Service: An Open Secret with Rev. Paul John Roach