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Sunday Service: Desire and Divine Will with Rev. Angelika Shafer

In our quest for happiness, fulfillment and true purpose we are often running into dead ends. It is important to recognize which desires lead us to greater wisdom, trust and freedom instead of more dissatisfaction. But either way we are learning and eventually our Will and Divine Will merge.

The virtual Sunday service begins at 10 AM (Pacific time), and everyone is welcome to join the live stream as early as 9:30 AM to virtually socialize before the service.

Join by Zoom (click the button above)

Join by Phone
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US

Meeting ID: 994 1092 7710
Passcode: 664033

May 6

Ice Cream Social!

May 8

Virtual Midday (Noon) Meditation