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Sunday Service: Let's Look at Moving Mountains: Living with the Power of Faith with Rev. Carolyn Warnemuende

Jesus our Way Shower told his followers that if they had faith only the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains. Metaphysically he was saying that with faith, we can remove any obstacles in our life. With faith we perceive Truth. We know, without doubt, that all is well. Every moment of our life we live with faith, and where do we put it? We have choice. We can either see the good, beautiful, and right outworking of all situations or in lack, discouragement, and fear. It is up to each of us to make that decision. When we gather this Sunday, let’s come face-to-face with where we put our faith.

With Special Music by Aletheia Rising

Rev. Carolyn Warnemuende retired in August 2022 as the Senior Minister at Unity Church in Redding following seven years of service. Prior to becoming the minister at UCIR, she served as a Prayer Chaplain and sat on the Board for several terms as president, secretary, and member at large. Currently she sits on the West Central Region Board, on the Unity Worldwide Ministries Regional Advisory Committee, and writes for Unity Worldwide Ministries and Unity Urban Ministerial School. Carolyn loves people and knows how to create an environment of caring, acceptance, and joy. She and her husband live in Sacramento near one daughter and her family. Their other daughter lives with her family in Cambodia. Carolyn has six fantastic grandchildren! She enjoys writing, reading, gardening, playing the piano, and spending time with friends.

The virtual Sunday service begins at 10 AM (Pacific time), and everyone is welcome to join the live stream as early as 9:30 AM to virtually socialize before the service.

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Meeting ID: 994 1092 7710
Passcode: 664033

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